Images for Mathematics
leaves (36)
flowers (130)
fruits (19)
succulents (8)
in the microscope (18)

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A leaf

A (rough) bilateral symmetry in a leaf.

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The growth of a tree-fern

Image created from the photo of a leaf of tree-fern.

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A leaf of blackberry bush

A leaf Rubus. Sp, a shrub that can become invasive in the underwood and in the edges of w...

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A leaf

We can say that this compound leaf suggests the idea of a frieze of type ∞*.

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A leaf of Tamus

A leaf of Tamus communis, a creeper, most commonly found in plain woods. This photo, tak...

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A poplar

A leaf of Populus sp. A photograph like this, taken from the right point of view, evokes a...

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A maple leaf

The lower face of the leaf of a country maple, a tree most commonly found in broadleaf for...

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A clover (Trifolium sp.), an annual or perennial herbaceous plant, whose leaves are compos...

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A leaf of viola

Lower and upper face of the leaf of Viola sp. This photo, taken from the right point of v...

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A four-leaved clover

A photo like this, taken from the right point of view, evokes a (rough) dihedral symmetry ...

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