Images for Mathematics
leaves (36)
flowers (130)
fruits (19)
succulents (8)
in the microscope (18)

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Ovary of a lily

A section of the ovary of a lily (Lilium sp.), photographed under an optic microscope. The...

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A clematis

A flower of Clematis sp..This photo puts in evidence a dihedral symmetry of type D4, so i...

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A flower

This photo puts in evidence a rough cyclic symmetry of type C5.

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A flower of Stachys

A flower of Stachys sp, a plant belonging to the family of the Lamiaceae. From the point o...

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A flower of Tradescantia sp.. A photo like this, taken from the right point of view, evoke...

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A flower of ophrys

Ophrys olosericea, a plant characterized by a big flower, that belongs to the family of th...

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A flower of orchid

A flower of Orchis sp.. From the point of view of symmetry, the flower has a prismatic sym...

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A flower D5

A flower of Stapelia mutabilis, a succulent plant belonging to the family of the Asclepiad...

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A flower of strawberry

A flower of Fagaria vesca, the edible strawberry frequently found in forests. A photograph...

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A lily

A flower of an ornamental specimen of Lilium sp.. A photo like this, taken from the right ...

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