Images for Mathematics
leaves (36)
flowers (130)
fruits (19)
succulents (8)
in the microscope (18)

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An artificial jasmine C5

An artificial gelsomino (Trachelospermum jasminoides), an ornamental evergreen creeper tha...

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Scilla bifolia, a bulb-forming herbaceous plant, that belongs to the family of Liliaceae....

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A white anemone

Anemone nemorosa, a typical plant of the underbrush, most frequently found in broadleaf fo...

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A ranunculus

Ranunculus ficaria, a early flowering, herbaceous plant, typical of the underwood.In some ...

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The globe-flower

The flower and the leaves of the Ranunculus acris, a herbaceous plant, known as "the globe...

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Viola biflora, a typical plant of the calcareous fields. A photo of the flower, taken from...

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A flower

A photograph like this, taken from the right point of view, evokes a dihedral symmetry of ...

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A flower

A photograph like this, taken from the right point of view, evokes a dihedral symmetry of ...

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Tamus communis

A female flower of Tamus communis, most frequently found in plain forests. A photograph li...

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An oleander

A flower of Nerium oleander, a spontaneous plant of the Mediterranean area. A photograph t...

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