Images for Mathematics
buildings (108)
decorations of floors (172)
decorations of walls and façades (550)
floor tiles and azulejos (31)
doors and windows (131)
roofs and domes (120)
gardens and courtyards (9)
gates and other dividing elements (95)
pillars, columns and capitals (31)
bridges (1)
terraces (27)
fountains (20)
maps and views from above (1)
rose windows (48)
various architectural elements (78)

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A mausoleum

The Mausoleum Apakhoja in Kashgar (China). Looking more closely, we notice various rosett...

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Reflections in the water

La Géode reflected in the water (Paris, parc La Villette).

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Rosettes and friezes on th...

Rosettes and friezes on the facade of the church S. Maria Novella, in Florence.

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Un mulino a vento

Una simmetria ciclica di ordine 4 nelle pale di questo mulino a vento a Bruges, Belgio.Si ...

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Una moschea

La moschea di Omar, a Gerusalemme. Si può vedere anche da un altro punto di vista.

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Friezes of Ca' Granda

A courtyard of Ca' Granda, in Milan. The colonnade of the arcade and that of the upper flo...

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Simmetria nella facciata di questi edifici lungo il canale, a Gand (Belgio).

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Costruzione tipica delle Valli Trentine. Presenta due piani di simmetria perpendicolari ch...

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Municipio di Pergine Valsu...

Municipio di Pergine Valsugana, TN.Presenta un piano di simmetria che divide il palazzo in...

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Decorations of different kinds on the towers at the entrance of this building in Khiva int...

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