Images for Mathematics
images by symmetry group (2340)
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breaking symmetry (100)
suggestion of symmetry (155)

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A group of diatoms, unicellular algae characterized by a (transparent!) covering in silica...

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A balcony

Rosettes and hints of friezes in this decoration of a balcony in the palace of the Marahja...

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A fountain

A bilateral symmetry in this fountain at the Royal Botanic Garden in Sydney (Australia).

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Un rosone

Un rosone con una (approssimativa) simmetria diedrale di ordine 18 sulla facciata di una f...

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Edificio o uccello?

Gusto per la forma nella geometria dell'edificio dell'Art Museum di Milwaukee, nel Wiscons...

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Un esempio di impacchettamento di sfere con questi melograni impiati su una bancarella, ad...

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A peacock

Tricks of curves in the tail of this peacock.

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Rosone con simmetria diedrale di tipo D4 su un vaglio rinvenuto a Bocenago (Tn) e conserva...

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Comodino conservato presso la casa natale di Antonio Rosmini, Rovereto (Tn). Le decorazion...

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The Palace of the Winds

Hints of friezes on the Palace of the Winds in Jaipur (India).

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nature (358)reflection in the water (163)everyday life (492)architecture (1376)woven objects (123)furnishings, graphics and design (88)

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