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A pattern of type *442 decorates the entrance of a bazaar in Uzgen (Kirghistan).
Under the cornice of the palace of the University of Milan, in via Festa del Perdono), thi...
A hub with cyclic group of symmetry of type C7 (if we ignore a few things...). We can co...
The cupola of the mosque Bibi Khanoun in Samarcanda (Uzbekistan). The type of symmetry is ...
A beautiful decoration with cyclic symmetry of type C28 in this hat of the Mozambican hand...
This gate provides an example of pattern of type 4*2 and can be reproduced in a square roo...
A minaret in Samarcanda (Uzbekistan): various friezes roll up around the column.
This die, whose faces are decorated with Korean writings that contain the rules of the gam...
A set of 5 dice, shaped like the 5 regular polyhedra.The image appeared in the survey "Off...
In this photo, taken under an electronic microscope, we can see various examples of symmet...
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