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At the park Groane (Milan): a leaf of maple evokes a dihedral symmetry of type D1.
The decoration on the top of this wardrobe is an example of dihedral symmetry of type D1.
Leaves of black Carpinus (Ostrya carpinifolia), a xxx that can be found in xxx. The leaf, ...
Graphosoma lineatum, a bug that lives of juices sucked from plants. The photo puts in evid...
The tower Azadi (the gate of the town of Teheran, Iran) has a prismatic symmetry: here we ...
Un pavimento con simmetria di tipo *442, a Roma, nella basilica di S.Maria in Trastevere. ...
Un pavimento con simmetria di tipo *632, a Roma, nella basilica di S.Maria in Trastevere. ...
A nearly-regular pentagon in yellow at the centre of this flower of white cistus.
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