Images for Mathematics
images by symmetry group (2340)
images by subject (2439)
breaking symmetry (100)
suggestion of symmetry (155)

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Reflections in the water

A mountain lake (Canada, Rocky Mountain) provides a beautiful example of a reflection.

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A 3*3 paving

In corso Vittorio Emanuele, in Milano, a paving with equilateral triangles colored so that...

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A lace C6

A piece of lace with a cyclic symmetry group of type C6.You can see an other one.

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A rosette

A rosette with cyclic symmetry of type C8 in this mill in Crete.

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A carpet

Various types of symmetry in the frames of this carpet in Boukara (Uzbekistan).

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A pattern *632

This decoration in Khiva (Uzbekistan) has the scheme of symmetry of a pattern of type *63...

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A clapper

A dihedral symmetry of type D1 in this clapper in Milan.From the point of view of topology...

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A pea

A seed of pea (Pisum sativum), a plant belonging to the family of the Papilionaceae. If we...

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A crystal of flourite

A crystal of flourite, that has the shape of a regular octahedron.The image appears in the...

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A mark D4

The coat-of-arms of the Cavalieri, in piazza dei Cavalieri, in Pisa, is an example of a ro...

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images by subject

nature (358)reflection in the water (163)everyday life (492)architecture (1376)woven objects (123)furnishings, graphics and design (88)

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