Images for Mathematics
images by symmetry group (2340)
images by subject (2439)
breaking symmetry (100)
suggestion of symmetry (155)

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A yellow house reflected in drops of water condensed in a mirror. The image has been used ...

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Giochi di forme e giochi di riflessioni al Sony Center, a Berlino. Si può vedere un'altra...

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Pareti di vetro

A Lugano (Svizzera), giochi di riflessione sulle pareti in vetro di questo edificio. Si pu...

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Symmetry in the constructi...

The roof of a hut of the Indians Arhuaco in the Sierra Nevada in S.Marta (Colombia). The i...

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A decorated plate

This detail of a decorated plate (an example of Islamic art in Iran) has a drawing that gi...

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The cupola of a mosque

The cupola of a mosque in Isfahan (Iran).

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Infiorescenza (corimbo) di cavolfiore, pianta erbacea a ciclo biennale. La sua struttura e...

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In this photo, taken under an electronic microscope, we can see various examples of symmet...

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A group of diatoms, unicellular algae characterized by a (transparent!) covering in silica...

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A seashell of Nautilus

Section of a seashell of Nautilus, a mollusc that had been considered extinct until 1829, ...

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