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Questa foglia di palma, fotografata al Garfield Park Conservatory di Chicago, dà l'idea d...
Le gocce di rugiada su queste foglie sono (approssimativamente) sferiche.
Questa pianta fotografata in località Torrent de Coanegra (Maiorca - Spagna) è un Dipsac...
The structure of a fern-tree branch puts in evidence the glide reflection: every leaf is o...
On the south coast of Sardinia, the geometry of the drawings of the spores holders in the ...
Looking at this photo of a palm-tree in Kangaroo Island (Australia), we can imagine all th...
Image created from the photo of a leaf of tree-fern.
A leaf of Liquidambar sp, an ornamental exotic plant. The photo, taken from this point of ...
A leaf Rubus. Sp, a shrub that can become invasive in the underwood and in the edges of w...