Images for Mathematics
animals (138)
vegetals (359)
minerals (40)
landscapes (265)
mushrooms,lichens and other stuff (7)
in the microscope (23)

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Un esempio di impacchettamento di sfere con questi melograni impiati su una bancarella, ad...

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A section of pear

A fruit of pear (Pyrus communis) with seeds. By cutting along the "equator", we put in evi...

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Un albero

Una palma a Freetown (Sierra Leone).

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All'orto botanico di Ginevra, le foglie di questa pianta danno l'idea di un fascio di rett...

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A flower

This photo puts in evidence a rough cyclic symmetry of type C5.

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Plumbago coerulea

A flower of Plumbago coerulea. A photograph like this, taken from the right point of view,...

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Suggestioni di simmetria in un baccello di pisello aperto.

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Peppers at the Sunday bazaar in Kashgar (China).

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Fruit of Biscutella laevigata, a herbaceous plant belonging to the family Cruciferae. This...

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A cactus

Plant with a succulent trunk with photosynthetic function and leaves transformed in thorns...

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leaves (53)flowers (192)fruits and seeds (53)succulents (9)trees (55)in the microscope (0)

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