Images for Mathematics
animals (138)
vegetals (359)
minerals (40)
landscapes (265)
mushrooms,lichens and other stuff (7)
in the microscope (23)

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A tree

The beautiful geometry of this tree at the Royal Botanic Garden in Sydney (Australia).

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Cerchi del tempo

Cerchi concentrici di un tronco d`albero.

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A flower

A nearly-regular pentagon in yellow at the centre of this flower of white cistus.

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Leaf of black carpinus

Leaves of black Carpinus (Ostrya carpinifolia), a xxx that can be found in xxx. The leaf, ...

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A robinia leaf

A compound leaf of Robinia (Robinia pseudoacacia). A photo of the leaf of Robinia pseudoac...

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An elm-tree leaf

An elm-tree leaf (Ulmus sp.), this plant is easy to recognize thanks to the characteristic...

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Flowers and shadows

What have in common these flowers and their shadows?

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A flower of Plumeria acuminata, an ornamental succulent plant. The photo shows a rough cyc...

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A flower of cactus

Flower of succulent plant. The various trunks has a photosynthetic function and have thorn...

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Heliconia flower

A hint of frieze with glide reflection symmetry in the structure of the inflorescence of t...

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