Images for Mathematics
animals (138)
vegetals (359)
minerals (40)
landscapes (265)
mushrooms,lichens and other stuff (7)
in the microscope (23)

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A heap of leaves. Some leaves evoke a dihedral symmetry of type D1.

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A flower

The succulent plant known as "The earth" (because it shows the meridians) and a flower. Wh...

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Some christophines (courgettes with a wrinkled surface), photographed in a market in Tachk...

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A cactus

Plant with a succulent trunk with photosynthetic function. The leaves are transformed in t...

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A wistaria

Section of the trunk of wistaria (Wisteria sisensis), an ornamental exotic plant. This se...

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Symmetry in a leaf

At the park Groane (Milan): a leaf of maple evokes a dihedral symmetry of type D1.

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A cauliflower

An inflorescence (a corymb) of cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis), a biennal he...

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A pumpkin

Pumpkins at a market in Uzbekistan.

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This particular cut of watermelon, that has been photographed in a bazaar in Kashgar (Chin...

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A cactus

Plant with a succulent trunk with photosynthetic function and leaves transformed in thorns...

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leaves (53)flowers (192)fruits and seeds (53)succulents (9)trees (55)in the microscope (0)

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