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interactive exhibitions

Our interactive exhibitions aim to recount and explain some significant mathematical facts and to engage the public directly in a "mathematical experience".

Symmetry, playing with mirrors

Symmetry, playing with mirrorsThis is a permanent exhibition at the Dipartimento di Matematica in Via C. Saldini 50, Milan. For full details see
where there is also information on how to rent and set up temporary exhibitions in your own local area.

Transparent mathematics: minimal surfaces and soap bubbles

matematica trasparenteThe exhibition is described at:
where there is also information on how to rent and set up temporary exhibitions in your own local area.

Matemilano, mathematical explorations of the city

matemilanoThe exhibition was held at the Museo della Scienza e della Tecnologia di Milano from September 2003 to May 2004. For full details see
where there is also information on how to rent and set up temporary exhibitions in your own local area.

Matetrentino, mathematical explorations of Trento and its surroundings

matetrentino The exhibition was set up using the same format successfully experimented with matemilano. It was held at the Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali from February 2006 to January 2007. For full details see

Diving into the Fourth Dimension

un tuffo nella quarta dimensione This exhibition has been laid out for the first time during the Festival della Scienza in Genova in 2007. It explores the concept of dimension and, in particular, it exhibits the regular objects in four-dimensional world.
Here you may find some iconographic material about it.

Equal? Different! The mathematician's shoppe

uguali? diversi! This exhibition has been laid out first in Genova (2008)and then it has become a travelling exhibition. It explores the concept of equality (and, accordingly) that of classification in various areas of Mathematics.
Here you may find some iconographic material about it.
For further information:

The taming of infinity

150 anni di modelli matematici This exhibition has been laid out first in Genova (2010) and then it has become a travelling exhibition. It explores, from different points of view, the concept of infinity.
Here you may find some iconographic material.
For further information:

150 years of mathematical model

150 anni di modelli matematici This exhibition has been laid out first in Genova (2011) and then it has become a travelling exhibition. It explores, also trought interactive animations, the concept of mathematical model.
Here you may find some iconographic material.
For further information: