Images for Mathematics
problems in the mirror boxes (95)
the rosettes (23)
the spheres (6)
the grids (3)
images of the posters (61)
the calendar (12)


The group of the dodecahedron

A sphere with the track of the planes of symmetry of the regular icosahedron on its surfac...

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The group of the dodecahedron

A sphere with the track of the planes of symmetry of the regular dodecahedron on its surfa...

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The group of the cube

A sphere with the track of the planes of symmetry of the cube on its surface. This image h...

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The sphere of the group of...

A sphere with the tracks of the planes of symmetry of the regular octahedron on its surfac...

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The group of the tetrahedron

A sphere with the track of the planes of symmetry of the regular tetrahedron on its surfac...

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The sphere of the group of...

A regular tetrahedron with the tracks of its planes of symmetry and the same tracks on a s...

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the spheres

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