Images for Mathematics
one mirror (77)
two mirrors (80)
three or more mirrors: the plane mirror boxes (117)
three mirrors: the 3d kaleidoscope (139)
other objects (110)

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Mirror tricks

Immagini virtuali fra due specchi: l'angolo fra gli specchi non e' in questo caso un sotto...

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Mirror tricks

Immagini virtuali fra due specchi a 30°. Exhibit della mostra Simmetria, giochi di spe...

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Mirror tricks

Immagini virtuali fra due specchi a 60°. Exhibit della mostra Simmetria, giochi di spe...

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Mirror tricks

Immagini virtuali fra due specchi a 30°. Exhibit della mostra Simmetria, giochi di spe...

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Mirror tricks

Immagini virtuali fra due specchi a 90°. Exhibit della mostra Simmetria, giochi di spe...

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Area and similitude

Two mirrors at 45° to highlight the fact that by doubling the side of a square you get a ...

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Area and similitude

Two mirrors at 45° to highlight the fact that by doubling the side of a square you get a ...

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A rosette reproduced betwe...

This rosette has three symmetry axes: it can be reproduced between two mirrors at 60° wi...

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Area and similitude

Two mirrors at 60° to show that by doubling the side of an equilateral triangle you get a...

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Plants at the mirror

A diatom reproduced between two mirrors at 60°; from the setting of the laboratory Simm...

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two mirrors

intersecting (70)parallel (10)

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