Images for Mathematics
the way of images (50)
i concorsi fotografici (98)
Coxeter dossier (34)
le immagini per la via delle immagini (22)
dossier 4d (34)
which polygons tile the plane? (36)
the genus of a surface (50)
Hanoi s tower and hamiltonian circuits (8)
mathematics workshop (32)
"about the project" (70)
from "fun with hexagons" (30)
from "fragments of topology" (77)
from "symmetry and everyday life" (52)
from "towards the 4th dimension" (41)
from "seeing beyond..." (17)
from "mirrors" (49)
other matters (27)

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A wooden torus

From the point of view of topology, this sculpture of Franco Badaracco's is a surface of g...

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Topologically, this surfac...

This wooden sculpture of Franco Badaracco's represents a surface of genus 0, that is, from...

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A fake knot

We define a "fake knot" as a knot (so, a simple, closed curve in the space) that can be de...

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A fake knot

We define a "fake knot" as a knot (so, a simple, closed curve in the space) that can be de...

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A fake knot

We define a "fake knot" as a knot (so, a simple, closed curve in the space) that can be de...

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A Solomon's knot

Two double-tied circumpherences, (the Solomon's knot).The image has been realized with the...

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A link with three components

The three components of this link are fake knots, but they are linked up together and they...

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A Moebius strip

We can get a Moebius strip by taking a rectangle and pasting together two opposite sides a...

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Building a Moebius strip

We can get a Moebius strip by taking a rectangle and pasting together two opposite sides a...

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Building a Moebius strip

We can get a Moebius strip by taking a rectangle and pasting together two opposite sides a...

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