Images for Mathematics
objects of the exhibition (520)
images from the exhibition (194)
problems from the exhibition (86)
exhibition in Milan (89)
external layouts (231)
Simetria, jogos de espelhos in Porto (43)
the visitors (30)

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A virtual octahedron

A regular octahedron in the kaleidoscope that corresponds to the symmetry group of the cub...

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A virtual cube

A cube in the corresponding kaleidoscope. Exhibit of Simmetria, giochi di specchi - Symmet...

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Inside a mirror box with a...

Mirror tricks in a triangular room of mirrors with angles of 45°, 45°, 90°. Exhibit o...

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Inside a mirror box with a...

Mirror tricks in a triangular room of mirrors with angles of 45°, 45°, 90°. Exhibit o...

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Word games

If we write a word vertically (one letter under the other) and put it against a mirror, we...

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A tortoise between paralle...

The effect obtained by putting a tartoise between parallel mirrors. Exhibit of Simmetria, ...

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A tortoise between paralle...

Two parallel mirrors. Exhibit of Simmetria, giochi di specchi - Symmetry, playing with mir...

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The rotations of the tetra...

The green straw, laid between the two mirrors that form an angle of 90°, shows the 3 rota...

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Inside a mirror box

Mirror tricks in a mirror box with the shape of an equilateral triangle. You can see anoth...

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A bicoloured stella octang...

A bicoloured stella octangula in the kaleidoscope of the tetrahedron: the symmetry group o...

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objects of the exhibition

one mirror (77)two mirrors (80)three or more mirrors: the plane mirror boxes (117)three mirrors: the 3d kaleidoscope (139)other objects (110)

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