Images for Mathematics
polyhedra around the world (158)
regular polyhedra (273)
star polyhedra (30)
uniform polyhedra and their duals (99)
prisms, antiprisms, pyramids, dipyramids (77)
deltahedra (17)
polyhedra of positive genus (24)
others polyhedra (30)
Euler relation (19)
symmetry of the cube (46)
problems about polyhedra (126)
models of polyhedra (81)
nets for polyhedra (72)
the polyhedra of Leonardo da Vinci fo... (60)
from a note of Struver (1871) (204)

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A non-simple polyhedron

This polyhedron can’t be moulded and shaped into a sphere and in this case Euler’s rel...

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Per disegnare una ciambell...

Una delle possibili strategie per disegnare una superficie, come qui una ciambella a tre b...

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A polyhedral bitorus

A polyhedron that is homeomorphic to a bitorus, a surface of genus 2 that can be visualize...

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A polyhedral torus

A polyhedron that is homeomorphic to a torus; for this polyhedron Euler’s relation does ...

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A non-simple polyhedron

This polyhedron can’t be moulded and shaped into a sphere and in this case Euler’s rel...

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A polyhedral torus

A polyhedron that represents a surface of genus 1 (a torus), that can be thought as a doug...

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A polyhedral torus

A polyhedron that represents a surface of genus 1 (a torus), that can be thought as a doug...

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A polyhedral bitorus

A polyhedron that is a surface of genus 2. Surfaces of genus 2 can be visualized as doughn...

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A polyhedron of genus 3

A polyhedron that represents a surface of genus 3. Surfaces of genus 3 can be visualized a...

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A polyhedron of genus 4

A polyhedron that represents a surface of genus 4. Surfaces of genus 4 can be visualized a...

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polyhedra of positive genus

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