Images for Mathematics
in nature (15)
objects (112)
buildings and big size sculptures (51)
small size sculptures (162)
from the exhibition matemilano (48)

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La Grande Arche

The architectural structure of La Grande Arche (Paris, quarter La Defense) recalls the str...

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A sculpture

From the point of view of topology, this sculpture in Chicago represents a surface of elev...

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A Moebius strip

This sculpture in via Lange Reihe 8 in Cologne has the shape of a Moebius strip. See it fr...

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A sculpture

Cerchi e sfere in questa scultura in piazza Camerlata, a Como.Dal punto di vista della top...

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A Moebius strip

This sculpture made by Norberto Marchi in Cantù represents a Moebius strip.

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Geometria 3d in spiaggia

Sculture sulla spiaggia a Marsa Alam, sulla costa ovest del Mar Rosso. Se ne può vedere u...

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A bitorus

Sul lungolago di Lugano, questa scultura di Jean Arp (Femme paysage) rappresenta dal punto...

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A surface of genus greater...

A wooden sculpture of the artist Gino Taraboi. From the point of view of topology, it repr...

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A Moebius strip

A sculpture that reproduces a Moebius strip in Stuttgart. See this other photo.

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A Moebius strip

This sculpture by Josep Canals, in the Pueblo Español in Barcellona, can give the idea of...

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