Images for Mathematics
the cathedral (8)
the Sforza Castle (23)
the Gallery (15)
S. Ambrogio (16)
the Cà Granda (72)
in the city center (92)
around the city (82)
Domus Ortaglia (Brescia) (16)


The floor of the Cathedral...

The floor of the Cathedral in Milan is an example of a *442 wallpaper pattern. It can be r...

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A rose window D3

This rosette in the apse of the Duomo of Milan has dihedral symmetry of type D3.

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A rose window C8

This rosette in the apse of the Duomo of Milan has cyclic symmetry of type C8.

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Friezes on the columns of ...

On the columns at the entrance of the Duomo of Milan, we see some friezes of type *22∞ a...

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Friezes of type *∞∞ and *22∞ at the sides of a door in the Duomo of Milan.

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A rose window of the Cathe...

This rose window at the Cathedral in Milan is a rosette with cyclic symmetry group ot type...

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A rose window at the Cathe...

This rose window at the Cathedral in Milan is a rosette with cyclic symmetry group ot type...

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Rose windows of the Cathed...

These two rosettes of the Duomo in Milan have a cyclic symmetry of type C4.

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the cathedral

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