Images for Mathematics
the way of images (50)
i concorsi fotografici (98)
Coxeter dossier (34)
le immagini per la via delle immagini (22)
dossier 4d (34)
which polygons tile the plane? (36)
the genus of a surface (50)
Hanoi s tower and hamiltonian circuits (8)
mathematics workshop (32)
"about the project" (70)
from "fun with hexagons" (30)
from "fragments of topology" (77)
from "symmetry and everyday life" (52)
from "towards the 4th dimension" (41)
from "seeing beyond..." (17)
from "mirrors" (49)
other matters (27)

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A hypercube

A three-dimensional net of a hypercube (one of the six regular polytopes in four-dimension...

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A cube

The drawing of a cube in projection

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A cube

The net of a cube on a plane

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A set of 5 dice, shaped like the 5 regular polyhedra.The image appeared in the survey "Off...

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A 24-cell

The model of Schlegel’s diagram of the 24-cell, which is one of the six regular polytype...

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A (3,4,3,4)

A cuboctahedron, which is a uniform polyhedron of type (3,4,3,4): around each vertex there...

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A rhombic dodecahedron

A rhombic dodecahedron has 12 faces that are rhombuses and are all the same. They join tog...

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A regular octahedron

A regular octahedron. You can reconstruct in the mirrors of the kaleidoscope corresponding...

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An icosahedron

A regular icosahedron. You can reconstruct it in the mirrors of the kaleidoscope correspon...

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A tetrahedron

A regular tetrahedron. You can reconstruct it between the mirrors of the corresponding kal...

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