Images for Mathematics
spherical geometry (63)
hyperbolic geometry (13)
fractal geometry (26)

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A grid of triangles on the...

The subdivision of the sphere in 120 spherical triangles with angles of 36°, 60°, 90°. ...

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Three grids of spherical t...

The three possible ways of dividing a sphere in equal spherical triangles so that every tr...

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A grid of spherical triangles

A subdivision of the sphere into 24 spherical triangles with angles 60°, 60°, 90°. From...

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Geometry on the sphere

Three kaleidoscopes and other material for a laboratory on spherical geometry.

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Spherical triangles

This interactive animation shows the connection between a regular polyhedron (as, for exam...

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The group of the cube

A sphere with the track of the planes of symmetry of the cube on its surface. This image h...

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Geometry on the sphere

The parallels on a sphere (with the exception of the equator) aren't geodetic curves.

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Geometry on the sphere

If we take two non-opposite points on the sphere, there's a unique maximum circle that pas...

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A grid of triangles on the...

The subdivision of the sphere in 48 spherical triangles with angles of 45°, 60°, 90°. T...

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A grid of triangles on the...

The subdivision of the sphere in 48 spherical triangles with angles of 45°, 60°, 90°. T...

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