The problem of the three houses on a torus. You can see other versions of the problem. Yo...
The problem of the three houses: every house must be joined to each of the three points in...
The problem of the three houses on the Moebius strip.You can see also other versions. You ...
A problem of paths, analogous to the classical problem of the Königsberg bridges. In thi...
A problem of paths, analogous to the classical problem of the Königsberg bridges. In thi...
A problem of paths, analogous to the classical problem of the Königsberg bridges. In thi...
If we take this map of Milan of the sixteenth century (whose shape is similar to a decagon...
This map of Milan of the sixteenth century is a rough decagon. If we identify some sides o...
If we take this map of Milan of the sixteenth century (whose shape is similar to a decagon...
How to get a bitorus from a decagon: this is the sixth and last step. Here you can see the...
from the exhibition matemilano