Images for Mathematics
one component knots (79)
two components knots (14)
three or more components knots (48)
knots described by two numbers (22)
knots around the world (168)

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Torus knots

A torus knot of type (5,16). See also the interactive animation Two numbers for a knot.

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A trefoil knot

L'immagine rappresenta sul toro un nodo trifoglio, ovvero un nodo di tipo (2,3). Si può...

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(2,k)-torus knots

reduce the second of the two numbers that identify the knot. The image has been used at the exhibition matemilano.See also the interactive animation Two numbers for a knot.">the torus knot of type (2,5). You can see what happens when we href="grande.php?ID=2298">r...

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How to get a torus knot

How to get a torus knot of type (3,k). Third step: before pasting the cylinder, we give a ...

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A torus knot

A torus knot of type (2,5): the number 2 means that the knot meets twice any meridian of ...

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Two numbers for a knot

In this interactive animation, you can build up a family of knots (the torus knots, that m...

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Torus knots

A torus knot of type (2,5) meets every meridian of the torus in two points. The image has ...

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(2,k)-torus knots

the torus knot of type (2,3) is the trefoil knot. You can see what happens when we increas...

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Un rosone su un piatto

Nel padiglione delle ceramiche del museo archeologico a Istanbul (Turchia), un piatto in c...

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Nodo torico

Nodo torico in un particolare del rosone del prospetto principale del Duomo di Trento.

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knots described by two numbers

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