Images for Mathematics
knots in the city and outside the city (94)
sculptures (24)
ropes (23)
drawing knots with a puzzle (8)
from the exhibition matemilano (20)

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A vase holder

This vase holder, produced by the African handicraft, represents, from the point of view o...

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A knotted torus

This wooden sculpture represents a torus, that is not embedded in the three-dimensional sp...

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Una superficie in legno

Questa scultura in legno di Franco Badaracco fa parte di un gruppo di sculture che erano e...

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A link with three components

From the point of view of topology, this wooden sculpture represents a three components li...

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A knotted torus

This wooden sculpture represents a torus, that is not embedded in the three-dimensional sp...

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Una superficie in legno

Questa scultura in legno di Franco Badaracco rappresenta dal punto di vista della topologi...

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A knotted torus

This wooden sculpture represents a torus, that is not embeeded in the three-dimensional sp...

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A link with three components

From the point of view of topology, this wooden sculpture represents a three components li...

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Un rosone su un piatto

Nel padiglione delle ceramiche del museo archeologico a Istanbul (Turchia), un piatto in c...

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Una scultura

Scultura di Claudio Capotondi.Dal punto di vista topologico, si tratta di un nodo taurino ...

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