Images for Mathematics
one component knots (79)
two components knots (14)
three or more components knots (48)
knots described by two numbers (22)
knots around the world (168)

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A vase holder

This vase holder, produced by the African handicraft, represents, from the point of view o...

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A trefoil knot

If we observe the image carefully, we realize that the photographed model is a trefoil kno...

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Drawing knots

The pieces of this puzzle are hexagonal tiles, all decorated with three pulls of rope (two...

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Hanged knots in the section "Topology" of the exhibition matemilano, at the Museum of Scie...

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Colonne ofitiche del Duomo...

Colonne ofitiche del transetto del Duomo di Trento. Particolare del nodo. Si possono iden...

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A knot with symmetry C4

At the centre of the floor of the Room of Columns, in Brescia, at the Domus dell'Ortaglia ...

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A knot

A knot on the paving of the Galleria, in Milan.The image has been used at the exhibition m...

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A knotted torus

This wooden sculpture represents a torus, that is not embedded in the three-dimensional sp...

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Knots in a sailing boat.

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Drawing knots

The pieces of this puzzle are hexagonal tiles, all decorated with three pulls of rope (two...

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knots around the world

knots in the city and outside the city (94)sculptures (24)ropes (23)drawing knots with a puzzle (8)from the exhibition matemilano (20)

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