Images for Mathematics
from the exhibitions of matematita (2963)
exhibitions with matematita (83)
3D geometry (2163)
2D geometry (832)
4D geometry (597)
symmetry (3323)
topology (953)
other geometries (102)
numbers (39)
anthology of images (4354)
from school and for school (95)
other exhibitions around the world (139)
animations (67)
from "XlaTangente" (666)

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A seashell like a Moebius ...

The border of the Moebius strip consists of only one circumpherence: this animation shows ...

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Cutting a Moebius strip

The animation shows what happens if we cut a Moebius strip in two pieces. A moving cursor ...

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Il pentagono cambia forma

In questa animazione interattiva si possono trascinare i vertici di un pentagono per scopr...

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Spherical triangles

This interactive animation shows the connection between a regular polyhedron (as, for exam...

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A seashell like a Moebius ...

The border of a Moebius strip consists of only one circumpherence: this animation shows wh...

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Draw your own wallpaper pa...

With this interactive animation you can draw patterns in virtual rooms of mirrors: you cho...

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Prodotti notevoli

L'animazione permette di visualizzare uno dei cosiddetti "prodotti notevoli", ovvero il cu...

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Disassembling and reassemb...

The animation including this image starts from a picture of Coxeter's book (Complex regula...

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Sections of a stellated po...

This video is supposed to represent what happens when a regular stellated polytope - more ...

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Inside a 120-cell

This video gives the impression of getting inside a 120-cell, that is one of the six regul...

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4D geometry (25)topology (23)maxima and minima (6)symmetry (4)2d geometry (2)algebra through images (7)

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