Images for Mathematics
objects of the exhibition (149)
posters of the exhibition (37)
photos of the city (324)
maps of the city (8)
layouts (166)
sections of the exhibition (484)

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A dedication

A poster of the exhibition matemilano: a dedication to Franco Conti.

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A poster

A poster of matemilano, in the section "Topology".See another poster of the same section. ...

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A poster

A poster of matemilano, in the section "Maxima and minima".See another poster of the same ...

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A poster

This poster of the exhibition matemilano, in the section "Symmetry", illustrates the probl...

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A poster

A poster of matemilano, in the section "Applications".See another poster of the same secti...

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A poster

A poster of matemilano, in the section "Maxima and minima".See another poster of the same ...

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A poster

This poster of the exhibition matemilano, in the section "Symmetry", illustrates the probl...

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A poster

A poster of matemilano, in the section "Topology".See another poster of the same section. ...

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A poster

A poster of matemilano, in the section "Maxima and minima".See another poster of the same ...

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A poster

This poster of the exhibition matemilano, of the section "Symmetry", illustrates some exam...

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posters of the exhibition

dedicated to Franco Conti (1)topology (5)maximum and minimum (6)visualization (3)symmetry (14)applications (8)

Your album

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