Images for Mathematics
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Volume and similitude

The kaleidoscope of a cube can show that by doubling the side of a cube you get a cube wit...

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Axes of rotation of the cube

Two mirrors at a particular angle show the rotation axes of the cube: here we see two mirr...

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Area and similitude

Two mirrors at 45° to highlight the fact that by doubling the side of a square you get a ...

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Volumes of prisms and pyra...

How can we employ the objects of the exhibition Simmetria, giochi di specchi - Symmetry, p...

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Area and similitude

Two mirrors at 60° to show that by doubling the side of an equilateral triangle you get a...

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Heron's problem

Which is the shortest way from a point A to another point B (A and B are on the same semip...

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Six pyramids in a cube

We can use the kaleidoscope of the cube to visualize the fact that the volume of a cube is...

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Half of a cube

Il cubo ha nove piani di simmetria, cioè ci sono nove diverse maniere per tagliare un cub...

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Half of a cube

Il cubo ha nove piani di simmetria, cioè ci sono nove diverse maniere per tagliare un cub...

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Qualcosa non torna

Ponendo due specchi in modo che formino un angolo che sia un sottomultiplo dispari di 360Â...

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