Images for Mathematics
the fractions of the cube (19)
the grids (13)
the spheres (18)
posters (16)
fishes friezes with paper (9)
the package for the schools (10)
other stuff (26)

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Rotation axes of the cube

Two mirrors angled in a particular way highlight the axes of rotation of a cube. Here two ...

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Planes of symmetry of a cube

A cube has nine symmetry planes: three planes which are parallel to a couple of opposite ...

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Rotation axes of the cube

Two mirrors at a particular angle show the rotation axes of the cube: here we see two mirr...

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Rotation axes of the cube

Two mirrors at a particular angle show the rotation axes of the cube: here we see two mirr...

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The table of the fractions...

The table of the fractions of cube shows how to create the construction that reproduces th...

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The table of the fractions...

The table of the fractions of cube shows how to create the construction that reproduces th...

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Half of a cube

Il cubo ha nove piani di simmetria, cioè ci sono nove diverse maniere per tagliare un cub...

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Half of a cube

Il cubo ha nove piani di simmetria, cioè ci sono nove diverse maniere per tagliare un cub...

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Simmetria a Treviglio

Un aspetto dell'allestimento della mostra Simmetria, giochi di specchi a Treviglio, Sala C...

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Fractions of cube

A cube and 5 polyhedra that reproduce the cube when they are put in front of a mirror (the...

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the fractions of the cube

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