Images for Mathematics
in the triangle of angles of 90-60-30 (39)
in the right-angle isosceles triangle (90-45-45) (16)
in the equilateral triangle (60-60-60) (22)
in the square (19)
the objects (21)

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The room of mirrors with t...

The triangular room of mirrors with angles of 60°. Exhibit of Simmetria, giochi di specch...

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The three mirror boxes

There are only three ways to build a triangular mirror box; each angle must be an integer ...

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The room of mirrors with t...

The triangular room of mirrors with angles of 90°, 60° and 30°. Exhibit of Simmetria, g...

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A room of mirrors

A small square room of mirrors, with the dimension of a azulejos, to see an infinite pavem...

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The room of mirrors with t...

The triangular room of mirrors with angles of 90°, 60° and 30°. Exhibit of Simmetria, g...

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The square room of mirrors

A square room of mirrors. Exhibit of Simmetria, giochi di specchi - Symmetry, playing with...

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Simmetria a Treviglio

Un aspetto dell'allestimento della mostra Simmetria, giochi di specchi a Treviglio, Sala C...

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Symmetry in Milan

The setting of the exhibition Symmetry, playing with mirrors at the Mathematics Department...

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Symmetry in Milan

The setting of the exhibition Symmetry, playing with mirrors at the Mathematics Department...

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Symmetry in Berlin

The setting of the exhibition Simmetria, giochi di specchi - Symmetry, playing with mirror...

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