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A drawing, made by some visitors of the exhibition, that can be put in a square room of mi...
Un aspetto dell'allestimento della mostra Simmetria, giochi di specchi a Treviglio, Sala C...
The setting of the exhibition Symmetry, playing with mirrors at the Mathematics Department...
The setting of the exhibition Symmetry, playing with mirrors at the Mathematics Department...
The setting of the exhibition Simmetria, giochi di specchi - Symmetry, playing with mirror...
The setting of the exhibition Simmetria, giochi di specchi - Symmetry, playing with mirror...
The triangular room of mirrors with angles of 90°, 60° and 30°. Exhibit of Simmetria, g...
The square room of mirrors; from the setting of the laboratory Simmetria, vegetali allo sp...
The square rooms of mirrors.From the exhibition Simetria, jogos de espelhos, relized by t...
The rectangular room of mirrors.From the exhibition Simetria, jogos de espelhos, relized ...
three or more mirrors: the plane mirror boxes