Images for Mathematics
from the exhibitions of matematita (2963)
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3D geometry (2163)
2D geometry (832)
4D geometry (597)
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topology (953)
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numbers (39)
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from school and for school (95)
other exhibitions around the world (139)
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Politopi in giardino

Un 600-celle nel giardino della Limonaia, in occasione dell'allestimento a Pisa della most...

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How to get a 600-cell

We can visualize the 600-cell (that is one of the six regular polytopes in dimension 4) in...

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How to get a 600-cell

A picture of the construction of a 600-cell, which is one of the six regular polytopes in ...

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A 600-cell

The model represents a 600-cell (it would be better to say, a particular projection of a 6...

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How to get a 600-cell

A ring of 150 tetrahedra (we have to imagine to "close" it in the fourth dimension). The 6...

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Ottaedro, icosaedro, cubot...

La famiglia dei poliedri che si ottengono scegliendo un punto per ogni spigolo di un ottae...

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Cubi e tetraedri

Lo spezzamento di un cubo in un tetraedro regolare e 4 tetraedri, non regolari, con vertic...

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Per costruire un 600-celle

Una delle maniere per "visualizzare" la costruzione di un 600-celle è quella di partire d...

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How to get a 600-cell

In the three-dimensional space 5 tetrahedra can't share an edge because there will be a sm...

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How to get a 600-cell

In the three-dimensional space 5 tetrahedra can't share an edge because there will be a sm...

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