Images for Mathematics

Recognize a pattern

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This animation is useful to learn the various types of symmetry of a pattern: you will be shown some images and you have to recognize their type of symmetry. You can examine 17 model patterns and some buttons give you the possibility of testing the effects of the various transformations on them. In learn more you can see some characteristics that identify the various patterns, and which can be useful to consider in this animation.
The animation is in the CD matemilano.

The image belongs to the sections...:
×× (pg) (Symmetry)
*× (cm) (Symmetry)
** (pm) (Symmetry)
*2222 (pmm) (Symmetry)
*333 (p3m1) (Symmetry)
*442 (p4m) (Symmetry)
*632 (p6m) (Symmetry)
2*22 (cmm) (Symmetry)
22× (pgg) (Symmetry)
22* (pmg) (Symmetry)
2222 (p2) (Symmetry)
3*3 (p31m) (Symmetry)
333 (p3) (Symmetry)
4*2 (p4g) (Symmetry)
442 (p4) (Symmetry)
632 (p6) (Symmetry)
O (p1) (Symmetry)
Symmetry (Animations)

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