Images for Mathematics
the seven friezes by walking (8)
the seven friezes by folding paper (8)
the seven friezes with azulejos (8)
the seven friezes woven on a tapestry (8)
the seven friezes from Mozambico artcraft (14)
the seven friezes in haberdashery (7)
the seven friezes with a roll (7)
all together (11)
friezes ans prismatic groups (21)

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The seven friezes in paper

The seven friezes are illustrated with simple models realized by folding and cutting a pie...

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Seven ways of walking to g...

The footprints that we make when walking represent a frieze of type ∞×. You can try to ...

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A poster

This poster of the exhibition matemilano, in the section "Symmetry", illustrates some exam...

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The seven friezes in a Por...

This Portuguese tapestry is an example of all the seven symmetry types in a frieze. From ...

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The seven friezes

The seven types of friezes realized with Potuguese azulejos. From the top we see: the frie...

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The seven friezes

The seven types of symmetry for a frieze: the colours on the right side shows which trasfo...

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Recognize a frieze

This animation is useful to learn the various types of symmetry of a frieze: you will be s...

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Draw your own frieze

This interactive animation gives you the possibility of creating friezes with a given type...

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The seven friezes

The seven types of symmetry for a frieze. This is a black-and-white version of the image u...

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Uno dei due pannelli realizzati dagli studenti dell`Istituto Statale d`Arte "G. Soraperra"...

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