Images for Mathematics
∞∞ (p111) (63)
22∞ (p112) (97)
*∞∞ (pm11) (157)
∞* (p1m1) (58)
∞× (p1a1) (55)
pma2 (85)
*22∞ (pmm2) (95)
seven and only seven (89)

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A frieze 2*∞

A house in via Pascoli in Milan decorated with a frieze 2*∞.

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Finestra con fregi in via Pollini a Rovereto (Tn). Il motivo immediatamente sotto il davan...

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*22∞ or 2*∞?

Friezes on a minaret in Kalta-Minor Khiva intra-muros (Uzbekistan); if we imagine to unrol...

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A frieze 2*∞

A decoration made with a frieze 2*∞ on a wall in via Tiepolo in Milan.

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On this cupola of the Fortress Amber (about 1500-1727, Jaipur, India) we can compare two f...

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A poster

This poster of the exhibition matemilano, of the section "Symmetry", illustrates some exam...

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A frieze 2*∞

A frieze of type 2*∞ at the Castello Sforzesco in Milan.

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A frieze 2*∞

A frieze of type 2*∞ on a gate of the palace of the University, in via Festa del Perdono...

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A frieze of polyps

This frieze of type 2*∞ was created by using a fish motif, by folding and cutting a stri...

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A frieze 2*∞

A frieze with symmetry 2*∞ in via Verdi 9, in Milan.

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