Images for Mathematics
* (D1) (72)
*2. (D2) (54)
*3. (D3) (51)
*4. (D4) (130)
*5. (D5) (51)
*6. (D6) (66)
*7. (D7) (6)
*8. (D8) (77)
of higher order (100)

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Ovary of a lily

A section of the ovary of a lily (Lilium sp.), photographed under an optic microscope. The...

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A section of a lily

Section of the flower of Lilium sp.. From the centre to the external regions we recognize:...

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A diatom

Unicellular alga covered in silica. The photo of this diatom seen under an optical microsc...

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A rosette

This drawing has been used for an exhibit of Simmetria, giochi di specchi - Symmetry, play...

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A mark D3

This mark (that can be seen also from a further distance) is an example of a rosette with ...

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Borromean rings, rosettes ...

These windows in Corso Magenta in Milan are characterized by the scheme of the Borromean r...

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A flower of Tradescantia sp.. A photo like this, taken from the right point of view, evoke...

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A clover (Trifolium sp.), an annual or perennial herbaceous plant, whose leaves are compos...

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Ovary of a lily

The ovary of a lily (Lilium sp.), photographed under an optic microscope. The photo evokes...

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A road sign D3

This road sign gives an example of a rosette with a dihedral symmetry (D3).

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