Images for Mathematics
rosettes (725)
friezes (561)
wallpaper patterns (777)

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Symmetry in a carpet

A carpet made with gold threads and gems in a factory of carpets in Agra (India). The real...

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A flag C2

The flag of Trinidad has cyclic symmetry of type C2.

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A rosette at the mirror

A rosette with symmetry D2 reproduced between two mirrors at 90°: if we don't consider th...

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Un rosone

Questo simbolo è un esempio di rosone con simmetria diedrale, di tipo D3.

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A hub C3

A hub with cyclic group of symmetry of type C3 (if we ignore the central mark…). We can...

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A diatom

Unicellular alga covered in silica. The photo of this diatom seen under an optical microsc...

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The kaleidoscope effect

If we put any object between two incident mirrors at angle that divides 180° (60° in the...

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Borromean rings, rosettes ...

These windows in Corso Magenta in Milan are characterized by the scheme of the Borromean r...

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Un rosone

A Ravenna, nella basilica di San Vitale, un rosone con simmetria ciclica, di tipo C4 (se s...

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A C4 glass rosette

A rosette with cyclic symmetry (C4) painted on glass and handcrafted by some students at t...

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cyclic (230)dihedral (525)comparison between cyclic and dihedral (11)

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