Images for Mathematics
in the plane (2001)
tridimensional (365)
groups and subgroups (5)

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A paving *632

A paving with symmetry group *632.

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A *632 stained glass window

In corso Buenos Aires, Milan, this stained glass window with a hexagonal pattern is an exa...

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La merlatura delle mura che circondano la piazza dei Miracoli, a Pisa, costituisce un esem...

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A mosaic

A roman mosaic in Brescia, at the Domus dell’Ortaglia; the mosaic, that has a scheme of ...

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A frieze

A frieze of type *∞∞, against the line of the horizon, at Iraklion (Crete).

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Broken symmetries

At the Fortress Amber (around 1500-1727, Jaipur, India), this window breaks the symmetry o...

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A courtyard of Ca' Granda

A courtyard of Ca' Granda in Milan. The colonnade of the arcade and that of the upper floo...

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A hub D3

A hub with a dihedral symmetry group, a D3 group - if you ignore a few things… We can c...

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Un rosone D4

Un rosone con simmetria diedrale, di tipo D4, sul soffitto della sala da pranzo di un albe...

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Un rosone

A Ravenna, nella basilica di San Vitale, un rosone con simmetria diedrale, di tipo D4 (se ...

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in the plane

rosettes (725)friezes (561)wallpaper patterns (777)

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