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A regular octahedron. You can reconstruct in the mirrors of the kaleidoscope corresponding...
A cube. You can reconstruct it between the mirrors of the corresponding kaleidoscope. This...
A uniform polyhedron of type (3,4,4,4): around each vertex there are an equilateral triang...
A uniform polyhedron of type (3,8,8): around each vertex there are an equilateral triangle...
A uniform polyhedron of type (3,5,3,5): in each vertex there is an equilateral triangle, a...
A uniform polyhedron of type (4,6,10): around each vertex there are a square, a regular he...
Dodecahedron and icosahedron are dual polyhedra: in this position the edges of the dodecah...
A regular icosahedron. You can reconstruct it in the mirrors of the kaleidoscope correspon...
A rhombic triacontahedron: the faces are rhombi that are all the same, that meet in vertic...
A regular dodecahedron. You can see a net.Image has been used in the posters on polyhedra ...