Images for Mathematics
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A crystal of flourite

A crystal of flourite, that has the shape of a regular octahedron.The image appears in the...

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A crystal of cubic pyrite

We find the cubes in nature, for example, in a crystal of cubic pyrite. The image has been...

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A crystal

Crystals provide interesting examples of polyhedra.

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A cubic crystal of fluorite.

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Flourite crystals

Two flourite crystals, with the shape of regular octahedra.

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A crystal

Crystals provide interesting examples of polyhedra.

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Crystals of pyrite

Cubic crystals of Pyrite (iron sulfide).

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Vitamin C

Suggestions of symmetry from this photo of the vitamin C (ascorbic acid) under a microscop...

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Vitamin C

Suggestions of symmetry from this photo of the vitamin C (ascorbic acid) under a microscop...

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A crystal

Crystals provide interesting examples of polyhedra.

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