Images for Mathematics
buildings (108)
decorations of floors (172)
decorations of walls and façades (550)
floor tiles and azulejos (31)
doors and windows (131)
roofs and domes (120)
gardens and courtyards (9)
gates and other dividing elements (95)
pillars, columns and capitals (31)
bridges (1)
terraces (27)
fountains (20)
maps and views from above (1)
rose windows (48)
various architectural elements (78)

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A balcony with rosettes D8

The balcony of a house in via Caccianino, in Milan is decorated with rosettes with dihedra...

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A balcony

Rosettes and hints of friezes in this decoration of a balcony in the palace of the Marahja...

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A balcony *22∞

The balcony of this house in Bollate (Milano) is decorated with a frieze *22∞

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A frieze on a balcony

A frieze of type 2*∞ decorates this balcony in the main square of Pirano (Slovenia).

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Rosettes with cyclic symmetry of type C5 decorate the balcony of this palace on the Canal ...

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How many different friezes...

Four different friezes on the balustrade of this balcony: in the top a frieze of type ∞â...

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A frieze of type *∞∞ on the balustrade of this balcony that leans on the river Yamuna,...

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A flowery frieze

The sequence of flower-pots in this balcony in Cordova (Spain) suggests the idea of a frie...

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Un terrazzo

Elementi di simmetria nella balustra del terrazzo di questa casa, nella Plaza de Armas, a ...

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Un rosone

Un rosone con simmetria diedrale, di ordine 4 (che sembra però rotta nel foro centrale), ...

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