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Interstizi, Matilde Grau Armengol, 2002. Opera inserita nel percorso espositivo di Arte Se...
From left to right: the great stellated dodecahedron (the faces are 5-pointed stars, 3 aro...
A regular octahedron can be used as a "tile" for various puzzle; we find it when we put to...
An unusual die with 8 faces. It has the shape of a regular octahedron.
A regular octahedron in the kaleidoscope that corresponds to the symmetry group of the cub...
The new set-up of the exhibition Simmetria, giochi di specchi - Symmetry, playing with mir...
These 30 nets can be used to build up 30 cubes that represent the 30 different colourings ...
A regular dodecahedron.Image appeared in the survey "Officina della matematica" in the dou...