Images for Mathematics
lines and curves in 3d-space (296)
sphere (63)
polyhedra (1065)
trasformazioni (15)
surfaces in space (311)
algebraic surfaces (82)
ruled surfaces (92)
maximum and minimum problems (17)
vision problems (346)
packings (24)

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A dodecahedron

A dodecahedron.Image appeared in the survey "Officina della matematica" in the number 1 of...

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Inside a pyramid

The roof of a skylight in Sondrio, at the galleria Campello.

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Per disegnare una ciambell...

Una delle possibili strategie per disegnare una superficie, come qui una ciambella a tre b...

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Euler's relation and conve...

You can get persuaded of the the fact that convexity is unimportant for the validity of Eu...

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Rotation axes of the cube

Two mirrors angled in a particular way highlight the axes of rotation of a cube. Here two ...

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Five tetrahedra with an ed...

A simple way to understand why there are only five regular polyhedra is to examine how reg...

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Regular polyhedra

A set of regular polyhedra in wood

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Twenty parallelepipeds to ...

The rhombic triacontahedron can be coloured with five colours so that, around the vertices...

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A raffronto uno sviluppo del cubo (in cui sono in evidenza, colorati allo stesso modo, gli...

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polyhedra around the world (158)regular polyhedra (273)star polyhedra (30)uniform polyhedra and their duals (99)prisms, antiprisms, pyramids, dipyramids (77)deltahedra (17)polyhedra of positive genus (24)others polyhedra (30)Euler relation (19)symmetry of the cube (46)problems about polyhedra (126)models of polyhedra (81)nets for polyhedra (72)the polyhedra of Leonardo da Vinci for Luca Pacioli (60)from a note of Struver (1871) (204)

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