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This drawing, attributed to Leonardo da Vinci and taken from the plates of Luca Pacioli's ...
Accostando a due specchi ortogonali un tetraedro le cui facce sono due triangoli equilate...
A model of stella octangula, made with tooth-picks. The two colours show the vertices of a...
Interstizi, Matilde Grau Armengol, 2002. Opera inserita nel percorso espositivo di Arte Se...
A cube in a square in Porto (Portugal). The vertical axis is the rotation axis of order 3 ...
This small stellated dodecahedron on the floor of S.Marco in Venice is attributed to Paolo...
One of the four regular stellated polyhedra, the small stellated dodecahedron, in the kale...
If you cut a cube with planes perpendicular to a diagonal, you get sections that are equil...
There are 30 possible dice (if we don't consider the usual convention of disposing in oppo...