Images for Mathematics
lines and curves in 3d-space (296)
sphere (63)
polyhedra (1065)
trasformazioni (15)
surfaces in space (311)
algebraic surfaces (82)
ruled surfaces (92)
maximum and minimum problems (17)
vision problems (346)
packings (24)

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Five tetrahedra in a dodec...

We can divide the 20 vertices of a dodecahedron in 5 groups of 4 vertices, so that the poi...

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The 5 regular polyhedra

The five regular polyhedra.Image appeared in the double number 4-5 of the magazine XlaTang...

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Uniform polyhedra

All the polyhedra in the photo are uniform: this means that around every vertex there are ...

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Here we see the net of a dodecahedron folding up and, in the background, the net of a 120-...

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A dodecahedron

This drawing, attributed to Leonardo da Vinci and taken from the plates of Luca Pacioli's ...

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A polyhedron

A polyhedron that has the same combinatorial structure of a icosahedron, though the faces ...

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Dodecahedron and icosahedron

Dodecahedron and icosahedron are dual polyhedra: in this position the edges of the dodecah...

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A dodecahedron

This drawing, attributed to Leonardo da Vinci and taken from the plates of Luca Pacioli's ...

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An icosahedron

This drawing, attributed to Leonardo da Vinci and taken from the plates of Luca Pacioli's ...

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A polyhedron

A polyhedron with pentagonal faces, that has the same structure of the regular dodecahedro...

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polyhedra around the world (158)regular polyhedra (273)star polyhedra (30)uniform polyhedra and their duals (99)prisms, antiprisms, pyramids, dipyramids (77)deltahedra (17)polyhedra of positive genus (24)others polyhedra (30)Euler relation (19)symmetry of the cube (46)problems about polyhedra (126)models of polyhedra (81)nets for polyhedra (72)the polyhedra of Leonardo da Vinci for Luca Pacioli (60)from a note of Struver (1871) (204)

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