Images for Mathematics
lines and curves in 3d-space (296)
sphere (63)
polyhedra (1065)
trasformazioni (15)
surfaces in space (311)
algebraic surfaces (82)
ruled surfaces (92)
maximum and minimum problems (17)
vision problems (346)
packings (24)

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Un puzzle

Con quattro tetraedri regolari di lato 1 e un ottaedro regolare di lato 1 si può costruir...

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Two baloons: the structure of the one in the foreground recalls the subdivision of the sph...

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A polyhedral baloons

This hot air balloon has the shape of a polyhedron obtained by putting 20 pyramids on the ...

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A stella octangula

The stella octangula is made of two tetrahedra that are disposed in such a way that their ...

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A tetrahedron

A regular tetrahedron. You can reconstruct it between the mirrors of the corresponding kal...

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Cubic boxes

These cubic boxes can be opened in different ways, in order to put in evidence the possibl...

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A small stellated dodecahe...

A small stellated dodecahedron: the faces are 5-pointed stars and there are 5 of them arou...

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A cube

A cube. You can reconstruct it between the mirrors of the corresponding kaleidoscope. This...

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In how many ways a cube ca...

There are 30 ways to colour a cube, so that each face has a different colour. You can see ...

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A regular octahedron

A regular octahedron. You can reconstruct in the mirrors of the kaleidoscope corresponding...

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polyhedra around the world (158)regular polyhedra (273)star polyhedra (30)uniform polyhedra and their duals (99)prisms, antiprisms, pyramids, dipyramids (77)deltahedra (17)polyhedra of positive genus (24)others polyhedra (30)Euler relation (19)symmetry of the cube (46)problems about polyhedra (126)models of polyhedra (81)nets for polyhedra (72)the polyhedra of Leonardo da Vinci for Luca Pacioli (60)from a note of Struver (1871) (204)

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