Images for Mathematics
regular tessellations (47)
uniform tessellations (43)
other tessellations (185)
tessellations around the world (177)
which polygons tile the plane? (34)
triangulations (12)

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Un mosaico

Dettaglio della decorazione di una parete del palazzo di Topkapi (Istanbul, Turchia).

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A floor of hexagon 2222

A floor of regular hexagons that have been coloured so that the symmetry group is of type ...

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Frecce e aquiloni

Una tassellazione non periodica: non ci sono traslazioni che fissano la figura. Di più, l...

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Portuguese azulejos

In Sintra (Portugal), in the castle du Pena, this decoration in azulejos gives an example ...

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A pattern of type 2*22 on the facade of this house in Pirano (Slovenia)

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A tessellation of the plane

You can tessellate the plane using as tiles a square and an equilateral triangle of equal ...

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A paving 22×

A paving with symmetry of type 22×. You can see a detail.

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A paving 3*3

In viale Monza, in Milan, a pavement provides an example of pattern 3*3. This pattern can ...

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A paving 442

In piazza Diaz, Milan, a paving with a 442 symmetry type. Detail. This picture has been us...

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