Images for Mathematics
regular tessellations (47)
uniform tessellations (43)
other tessellations (185)
tessellations around the world (177)
which polygons tile the plane? (34)
triangulations (12)

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A tessellation

A uniform tessellation of type (4,3,3,4,3), which is characterised by a square, two equila...

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Portuguese azulejos

In Sesimbra, in Portugal, azulejos that cover the facade of a house and that give an examp...

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A wooden floor

Pavimento in legno presso la casa natale di Antonio Rosmini, Rovereto (Tn). Il disegno del...

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A floor in the Certosa of ...

The floors of the Certosa di Calci (Pisa) often present a tridimensional effect. Here we c...

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Un pavimento

Questo pavimento nella basilica di S.Maria in Trastevere, a Roma, rappresenta una tassella...

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Un pavimento

Un pavimento con simmetria di tipo *632, a Roma, nella basilica di S.Maria in Trastevere. ...

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A tessellation of pentagons

A tessellation in equal pentagons. It is the dual tessellation of the uniform tessellation...

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A floor *442

In Lisbon, in Portugal, in rua do Telhal, a pavement of type *442.

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A tessellation

A uniform tessellation of type (4,4,3,3,3), which is characterised by two squares and thre...

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Una tassellazione sulla fa...

La decorazione della facciata di una casa, a Santa Maria Maggiore (Verbania): si tratta di...

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uniform tessellations

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